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PC Magazine
September 2, 2003
Barry Simon
Mathematica 5.0 Adds Up Exactly 15 years after Mathematica's initial release, Wolfram Research has released Mathematica 5.0. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 4, 2005
Charles Seiter
Mathematica 5.1 Wolfram Research's Mathematica 5.1 advanced math software is fast on big problems, sophisticated at automatic selection of algorithms and database functions, and capable of linking automatically to Web sites -- making it a powerful language for solving nearly any problem on a computer. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 26, 2005
Charles Seiter
Mathematica CalcCenter 3 CalcCenter 3 for students and novices costs less than a typical math textbook, but it actually does all the problems for you. Even old-time Mathematica users will find it convenient for quick work on smaller problems. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2001
Charles Seiter
CalculationCenter A gentle introduction to the power of Mathematica... mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
December 2011
Kenneth R. Foster
Mathematica 8 and Maple 15 Born in the 1980s, Maple and Mathematica antedate many readers of IEEE Spectrum. Over time, both programs have evolved into do-it-all math platforms, with thousands of numerical and symbolic math functions. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
June 2007
Kenneth R. Foster
Mathematics and More Maple and Mathematica, two venerable mathematics programs that combine symbolic, graphics, and numeric capabilities, have upped the ante in their competitive race. Whether new features are must-haves or mere bells and whistles depends on your point of view. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2002
Charles Seiter
Matlab 6.5 The MathWorks' Matlab has long been the preferred math program for many engineering uses. After several years' absence, the latest version, Matlab 6.5, brings it back to the Mac. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
April 2009
Kenneth R. Foster
New Math Major updates from Maplesoft, Wolfram, Design Science, and Tera Analysis present engineers with a calculating cornucopia. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2001
Charles Seiter
Mathematical Explorer Anyone who's bought and enjoyed a copy of Scientific American is likely to spend hours fascinated by Mathematical Explorer, a new educational CD-ROM... mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
November 11, 2014
Woody Evans
Big Numbers: Google Challenges Wolfram to Open Up Math Sage, the free and open source analog to Wolfram Research's Mathematica, is now SageMathCloud. Thanks to collaboration with Google's cloud services, Sage is now in a position to draw more mathematicians to its community. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
March 2012
Robert W. Lucky
Is Math Still Relevant? The queen of the sciences may someday lose its royal status mark for My Articles similar articles
T.H.E. Journal
April 2005
Mathematica To help schools better understand its product, Wolfram Teacher Network has begun signing up high school math and science teachers for its Mathematica Mentors Program. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
February 2012
Kenneth R. Foster
Review: MathStudio A new smartphone and tablet app runs 300 math functions and your own scripts as well mark for My Articles similar articles
T.H.E. Journal
April 2004
Mathematica for Students 5 Mathematica for Students 5 allows users to perform symbolic and numeric calculations ranging in complexity from simple elementary calculations to complex postgraduate calculations, with new semester and annual editions now available. mark for My Articles similar articles
T.H.E. Journal
April 2001
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Science News
February 17, 2007
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IEEE Spectrum
February 2006
Kenneth R. Foster
Maple Goes Graphical Originating in the 1970s as a symbolic math program, Maple has evolved into a high-end math package that, its vendors claim -- probably correctly -- is used in virtually every major university and research center in the world. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 15, 2002
David Appell
The next Newton? Recluse, maverick physicist and Mathematica developer Stephen Wolfram claims to have revolutionized science with his new, computer-based theories... mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
January 7, 2016
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Linux Journal
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Wall Street & Technology
October 27, 2003
Jessica Pallay
A Fixed-Income Fix The Fixed-Income Toolbox is the most recent solution to come out of The MathWorks. The product, targeted at financial engineers, offers more than 60 functions for calculating bond prices, yields and spreads, and is built on the Matlab programming environment. mark for My Articles similar articles