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March 12, 2002
Janelle Brown
Saying no to propaganda Critics say the government's new anti-drug campaign is reactionary and moralistic. Worse, it may not even work... mark for My Articles similar articles
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April 20, 2001
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Bush's new drug czar? John Walters, a hard-line drug warrior, is the leading candidate to replace Barry McCaffrey. Advocates say he's a throwback to the bad old days of Bill Bennett... mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2002
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Anti-Drug Anxiety Trouble at the propaganda mill: In May a study finding that government anti-drug propaganda has not reduced teenagers' drug use prompted sniping between the drug warriors who commission the messages and the admen who create them. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 30, 2001
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The quiet death of prime-time propaganda With no fanfare, the White House drug office pulls the plug on its controversial program to pay TV networks for putting anti-drug messages in popular shows... mark for My Articles similar articles