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Finance & Development
March 1, 2003
George T. Abed
Unfulfilled Promise Why the Middle East and North Africa region has lagged in growth and globalization mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2005
Birger Fredriksen
Keeping the Promise What is holding up achieving primary education for all African children? mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 2010
Regaining Momentum Progress on the Millennium Development Goals has been slowed by the crisis. The rest of the world has to help. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2003
Adam Bennett
Failed Legacies Escaping the ghosts of central economic planning mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2007
Buvinic & King
Smart Economics In the long run, greater gender equality in access to opportunities, rights, and voice can lead to more efficient economic functioning and better institutions, with dynamic benefits for investment and growth. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2011
Closing the Jobs Gap High youth unemployment contributes to widespread unrest in the Middle East. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2001
Christian Keller & Peter S. Heller
Social Sector Reform in Transition Countries Transition countries need to reform their social sectors to promote the welfare of their citizens and spur economic growth. In part, this means building up and redesigning social safety nets and addressing problems. It also requires cutting some benefits and privileges... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2001
Evangelos A. Calamitsis
The Need for Stronger Domestic Policies and International Support Globalization is a powerful engine of world prosperity, and it is certainly here to stay. Income disparities remain large. The basic issue is what policies and reforms are most likely to bring about sustainable economic growth for the benefit of all the peoples of the world. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2003
Edward Gardner
Wanted: More Jobs High unemployment in the MENA region presents formidable challenges for policymakers mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2006
Schieber et al.
Getting Real on Health Financing Unless the efficiency of the global aid architecture is improved and countries enhance their ability to put aid to good use, the massive investment in health that is currently taking place will not deliver the improvement in the health of the poor that everybody is striving for. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
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The Urban Revolution Rapid urbanization may prove a blessing, provided the world takes notice and plans accordingly. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2005
Cohen & Bloom
Cultivating Minds Educating all the world's children well is not only urgent but also feasible within the next few decades. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2005
Berg & Qureshi
The MDGs: Building Momentum A big push on aid is not the sole answer. International development policy needs to move beyond aid and aim for actions that, together with stronger reforms in developing countries, cohere into a broader big push. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 2008
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The Next Frontier Low-income countries gain ground in a globalized world, but they still face major challenges. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2007
Clements et al.
Getting Spending Right Latin America needs to reform public spending to make it more efficient, better help the poor, and address infrastructure bottlenecks. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2000
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Broadening the Agenda for Poverty Reduction: Opportunity, Empowerment, Security Experience from the 1990s has led to a poverty reduction agenda that, in addition to promoting economic growth, addresses ingrained inequalities, institutional failures, social barriers, and other risks. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2006
Bio-Tchane & Christensen
Right Time for Africa Africa needs to build on its recent success to catch up. A forward-looking reform agenda should aim to maintain macroeconomic stability, improve the business climate, promote trade, and, most important, strengthen fiscal institutions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 2008
Dialogue Box F&D asked a number of opinion leaders around the world to answer the question, What's the single thing most likely to double living standards in poor countries over the next decade? mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2011
Clements et al.
Healing Health Care Finances Health care presents a daunting fiscal challenge in advanced and emerging economies alike, but reforms can help manage the growth of spending fairly and efficiently. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
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Finance & Development
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Finance & Development
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Jimenez & Murthi
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Finance & Development
December 1, 2007
David E. Bloom
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Finance & Development
September 2008
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Finance & Development
June 1, 2005
Baldacci et al.
What Does It Take to Help the Poor Spending on education and health can boost human capital in poor countries and help them reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), but only if governments are held accountable. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2006
Peter S. Heller
Asia: Ready or Not The world's most populous continent must prepare now for an aging population. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 2010
Making a Breakthrough To accelerate progress toward the Millennium Development Goals, growth must happen in sectors that directly benefit the poor, such as agriculture. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2005
Singh & Collyns
Latin America's Resurgence Latin America's recent resurgence amid continuing favorable external conditions provides another historic opportunity for the region to catalyze its considerable natural and human capital resources into sustained and higher growth. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2006
Burton et al.
Asia's Winds of Change The path that Asian countries have traveled to growth and prosperity in the past 50 years will remain relevant for the future -- the embrace of openness, the commitment to macroeconomic stability, and the drive to adapt and reform in response to changing circumstances. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2006
Bloom & Canning
Booms, Busts, and Echoes Since 1870 death rates and birth rates have been declining in developed countries. Here's how the biggest demographic upheaval in history is affecting global economic development. mark for My Articles similar articles
IDB America
August 2005
"A Bigger, More Creative, More Efficient Bank..." After 17 years as IDB president, Enrique V. Iglesias offers an assessment of the Bank's performance and reflects on Latin America's uneven economic progress. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 1, 2003
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Finance & Development
September 1, 2007
Aziz & Dunaway
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Finance & Development
December 1, 2000
Ernesto Hernandez-Cata
Raising Growth and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Can Be Done? Sub-Saharan Africa must increase economic growth to reduce poverty and improve living standards. This article discusses some obstacles to growth in the region, as well as some policy actions that would improve its prospects. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 2011
A Bigger Slice of a Growing Pie Developing the financial sector accelerates economic growth and can enhance income equality. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
March 2011
Nicolas Eyzaguirre
Sustaining Latin America's Transformation Building on recent successes, Latin America now has a chance to raise its profile in the global marketplace. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 2011
Adolfo Barajas et al.
Differing Benefits Financial development does not give the same growth boost to all countries. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2007
Lewis & Lockheed
Getting All Girls into School New ways are needed to educate "excluded girls" in developing countries. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2009
Donald Kaberuka
Straight Talk: Start This Engine Africa's policymakers should prepare for global recovery by priming their private sectors. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2005
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The Quiet Revolution How India is achieving universal elementary education. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2000
Emine Gurgen
Central Asia: Achievements and Prospects Although the five Central Asian countries in transition have made progress in moving to a market economy, they still have far to go and need to intensify their reform efforts. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2000
Gupta, Hammond, Leete, & Swanson
Progress Toward the International Development Goals It is easy to lose track of the improvements that have occurred over time in the lives of poor people in many developing countries.... mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
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Alicia Barcena
Spreading the Wealth Poverty and inequality have declined in Latin America in recent years, but there is a lot more to do. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
September 1, 2006
Carone & Costello
Can Europe Afford to Grow Old? The EU must face up to recent projections showing that aging will have a major economic and budgetary impact. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2007
Janet G. Stotsky
Budgeting with Women in Mind When leaders in developed and developing countries alike ponder ways to boost growth, reduce inequality, and improve living standards, the enduring battle of the sexes is most likely the last thing on their minds. But reducing gender disparities can lead to improved macroeconomic performance. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2011
The Price of Maturity Aging populations mean countries have to find new ways to support their elderly. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2007
Bio-Tchane & Yehoue
Africa's Missing Ingredients How international economic aid can be better directed to entrench development in sub-Saharan Africa. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 2011
Beyond Retirees How countries change their pension systems and whether they do it in tandem have major implications for global economic health. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2001
Paul Chabrier
Growth Strategy for North Africa: A Regional Approach Independent business surveys show that private investors generally feel that the business environment in the region has many serious problems, such as excessive red tape and weak domestic institutions---particularly the legal and judicial systems. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
June 1, 2007
Burton & Zanello
Asia Ten Years After A decade after the Asian financial crisis, the region is growing rapidly but still has a long to-do list. mark for My Articles similar articles