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Fast Company
September 2008
Melanie Warner
Green Business: Plastic Potion No. 9 Recycling should be the easy way to get people involved in helping the environment. Too bad the businesses behind it are blowing it. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
November 10, 2008
Recycling Myths: PM Debunks 5 Half Truths about Recycling The dominant factor in virtually every case is the enormous amount of energy required to turn raw materials into metals and plastics compared to the energy needed to reprocess products that already exist. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
December 2008
Is Recycling Worth It? PM Investigates its Economic and Environmental Impact Almost overnight, it seemed, recycling was embraced by the public as a kind of all-purpose absolution for our environmental sins. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
December 2008
Alex Hutchinson
Recycling By the Numbers: The Truth About Recycling What's the bottom line on the cost to recycle five different products from aluminum to polystyrene? mark for My Articles similar articles
Home Theater
July 27, 2009
Mark Fleischmann
NYC Electronics Recycling Law Challenged New York City's new electronics recycling law has attracted criticism from two major trade groups who point to what they call "disastrous" consequences. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 25, 2007
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The CEO Mayor How New York's Mike Bloomberg is creating a new model for public service that places pragmatism before politics. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2007
Jacob Sullum
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Scientific American
September 2009
David Farley
Airlines & Recycling: The Not-So-Green Skies New calls for the U.S. airline industry to take recycling seriously mark for My Articles similar articles
April 15, 2003
Recycling Resources In addition to each state's department of environmental protection, there are several online databases that list local and regional electronics recyclers, as well as programs for educational donations mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
August 8, 2011
Sridhar Pappu
What's Next For Michael Bloomberg As New York's mayor looks beyond politics and business, how far can the billionaire push his philanthropy and urban ideas? mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 21, 2004
Selena Maranjian
PC Makers Get Green Computer manufacturers are stepping up their recycling, under pressure. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 22, 2010
Diane Brady
Pepsi's Plan to Make Litter Green Offering rewards for bottles and cans may help Pepsi reach its goal of boosting U.S. beverage container recycling rates. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 1, 2004
John S. McClenahen
HP Doubles Recycling Efforts To further encourage the recycling of unwanted computers and printers, Hewlett Packard Development Co. doubled the value of its return and recycling e-coupon for U.S. consumers during April of this year. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 20, 2007
Nicholas Thompson
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Microsoft Snags NYC Cloud Coup New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announces that 100,000 city workers will transition to Microsoft's cloud computing platform for substantial cost savings. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
July 2012
Susan Neely
Bans Are a Scapegoat, Not a Solution National polls have found the majority of New Yorkers -- and Americans -- oppose banning the sale of soft drinks larger than 16 oz. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
February 10, 2007
Science Safari: Electronics Recycling The Electronics Industry Alliance's recycling Web site provides an online guide to electronics recyclers and disposal options across the United States. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 14, 2009
Christopher Palmeri
A Recycling Boom Gone Bust Because of slumping demand and falling prices, the recycling divisions of trash-hauling companies are facing big losses this year. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 10, 2006
Lorraine Woellert
HP Wants Your Old PCs Back HP is pushing states to force recycling of TVs, computers, and other e-gear. Here's why. mark for My Articles similar articles
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February 2008
Kerry Howley
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Popular Mechanics
June 2008
Roy Berendsohn
How to Hide Recycling Bins in Your Kitchen: No-Mess Space Saver Not sold on the idea of leaving your trash on display? Here are a few design ideas regarding the location recycling containers, including undercounter options. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
June 29, 2007
Jeremy MacNealy
A Greener Apple? Apple can do more to improve its environmental practices. Investors, take note. mark for My Articles similar articles