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November 29, 2000
Accident Investigation Australian industry has embraced many systems to minimise workplace accidents and incidents. Yet, despite the best intentions, there's been little reduction in the rate at which people are killed or injured at work. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 29, 2000
Mishandled & Misunderstood New Occupational Health and Safety (Manual Handling) Regulations in Australia seek to reduce the number and severity of musculo-skeletal injuries and occupational over-use syndrome in the workplace. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 16, 2002
New Zealand: Turning Up The Heat Only a major shift in top management attitudes toward health and safety will significantly and sustainably improve health and safety statistics in New Zealand... mark for My Articles similar articles
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December 20, 2001
The Big Picture Safety performance measures such as incident statistics and regular workplace audits often ignore the 'people' side of safety, which is crucial for effective safety management... mark for My Articles similar articles
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May 2004
Barbie E. Keiser
Safety First: Where? When? Why Me? Article identifies websites created by government agencies, private associations and organizations, academic institutions, and commercial entities that provide some context as to accidental injuries, their prevention and teatment and the costs associated with them. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 28, 2002
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